Welcome to the blog of LMCS's English 9 Classroom!Our class will use this blog to discuss issues relevant to our class readings and activities.

Blog Introduction

Once again, welcome to our class blog! The blog is a place for you to discuss your thoughts about our class reading and activities. We will visit the computer lab, as a class on a regular basis. There will be various assignments and questions posted here that you must complete and discuss. You are also welcome to visit our blog outside of class, independently and I encourage you to do so. This is a place where you can ask your classmates questions about the reading or other things related to our class. I remind you, however, that your activity on this site will be closely monitored and you are responsible for your comments. Your comments should be acceptable to everyone. That includes your parents, grandparents, younger siblings, teachers, Principal, etc. Your postings should not inlcude any material that any of these people might find offensive. If you need to think twice about saying something, it is probably best to leave it out. That being said - HAVE FUN!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


In chapter 12, Jem and Scout attend Calpurnia's church. When they arrive there, Lula does not welcome them. Lula says, "You aint got no business bringing white chillum here" (119). Is Lula right? Why might Lula not want Jem and Scout in her church?


Angie T said...

No i think that she is wrong.B/c they didn't do anything wrong so they shouldn't be Punished for what other White people have said and done to lula!

melissa s said...

no she isnt right.eventhough white people would of done the same to black people if they came to their church its still wrong.jem and scout wouldnt do that to any black people because they are like atticus and believe that everyone should be treated equally.its not right that lula said that to them beacuse she os also discriminating against whites but she shouldnt do that because she wouldnt want them to discriminate against her.there only kids and she had no right to say that.

matt.S. said...

she's right

Mike Z said...

no she is not right, the kids are not racist

Kaitlin S said...

no she should say that. and also she feels that way b/c of the tom robinson case. and what is happening to him isnt fair. and w/e

i love food said...

it waz wrong and it waznt wrong. it waz wrong because it waz a black church and calpurnia had no rite bringin them there. it waznt wrong because they new wat waz gonna happen when callpernia brought the children there.

Stephen R said...

she is wrong because even though the blacks are being discriminated by the whites she should be the bigger person and let them come. she doesn't want jem and scout to come to their church because they are white and the whites have their own church.